Friday, May 23, 2014

A Foodie Adieu

Hey Foodies! I hope that in the last few weeks I’ve taken you on an interesting journey into a new world of gluten free eating and living!

Living a Gluten-Free healthy lifestyle isn’t nearly as difficult as it is made out to be if you know where to look and what to do, but you have to be willing to try new things with an open mind and adapt to new needs, changes and experiences. The hardest part about switching to a gluten free diet in my experience is facing the fact that no, you can’t eat that anymore, and yes, you have to actually LOOK for your food now. Of course you don’t have to look too hard , but take it from me as a student who would grab practically anything and put it in her cart, it’s quite a change from the normal modus operandi when it comes to shopping for food. In my opinion though once you learn to look it becomes much easier to not only find food, but to also lead a happy and healthy gluten free lifestyle! I personally think that everyone should try living gluten free for at least a little while, if only because it instills good habits and also raises awareness of the rising numbers of food intolerance cases that have been happening every year.

 I might not have mentioned this at the beginning of this blog, but this has been my first experience with blogging, and let me tell you it’s been fun! Difficult, but fun! I began this blog as a project for a class in college, and I think I’ve learned a lot over the course of these 9 posts!  I’m afraid dear foodies that after this ninth and final post I will no longer be among you in the blogosphere, but fear not! For some day I might return, just not to this particular blog. I honestly appreciate all the readership, and comments that you’ve all posted here, and I wish you well on your own food related endeavors!

It’s a mighty delicious world out there, so enjoy it all! I hope that I left you with a new perspective, and perhaps a full tummy!

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